
schoolgirl using virtual reality goggles to learn

The Future of Education: What Will Learning Look Like in 2032?

Welcome to the future of education, where experiential classrooms take the place of chalkboards and textbooks are replaced by interactive virtual lessons that ignite curiosity. But emerging technologies set to reshape the way we learn will demand powerful networks that have the heightened capacity, reliability, and security to operate seamlessly. 

How Much Will Your State Receive in Federal Broadband Funding?

The White House just made a BIG announcement – all 50 states now know how much federal broadband funding they will be awarded to expand high-speed internet access. 8.3 million U.S. homes and businesses are not able to access high-speed internet – or the many benefits that come with a connection. This new announcement of federal broadband funding provides states with the ability to achieve a fully connected America.
Issues: America's Wi-FiBroadband InfrastructureRural Broadband
Little girl having access restriction by parental control on laptop at home, back view. Child safety

4 Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe Online

While many people assume that cybercriminals focus on hacking into big companies, the truth is that everyone is vulnerable – both adults and children alike. Knowing how to protect the information we store is imperative to keep up with the growing threat of cyberattacks. That’s why, in the spirit of Internet Safety Month, we’re sharing three tips to keep you and your family cyber safe.