
a poster showing different LGBTQ tv shows

Celebrating Pride Month: The Best of LGBTQ TV

June is Pride Month, a celebration of the struggles for justice of the LGBTQ+ community in commemoration of the Stonewall Riots of June 1969. It’s a time to take stock of how far we’ve come in creating a more diverse and tolerant society—and how far we still have to go.
Issues: Diversity on TV
a rural landscape in Vermont during the fall season

The Rural Broadband Boost: How a Vermont Family’s Life Changed with High-Speed Internet

While Enosburg is blessed with natural beauty and proximity to state forests, watersports, and ski facilities, residents face a challenge that has held them back from accessing high-paying jobs and other opportunities: lack of high-speed internet. Fortunately, that all changed before the world began to shut down, and it changed the life of at least one Enosburg Falls resident—and his family.
Issues: Broadband InfrastructureRural Broadband