

Broadband Infrastructure: What’s Next?

After months of hearing about a new infrastructure bill rumbling its way through Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives finally passed a bipartisan infrastructure package on September 30. The $1.5 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, designed to refurbish the nation's roads, railways, public transit, power grids, and water systems, will also include $65 billion for broadband, aimed at connecting the unserved parts of America and support for low-income families.
Issues: Broadband InfrastructureRural Broadband
CES Las Vegas

The 3 Biggest Takeaways from CES 2022

An in-person event once again this year – at least in hybrid form – the Consumer Electronics Show came to Las Vegas from January 5 to 8 with over 1900 exhibitors and some 2,400 members of the press. And after a year of virtual conferencing due to the pandemic, CES 2022 returned in a big way, with some of the biggest names in tech showing the latest in innovation, from TVs to tablets, smart glasses to smart gadgets, watches to wireless devices, and much more. With so much to see, absorb, and ponder, what did we learn from this year’s conference? Here are three of our biggest takeaways.   
Issues: America's Wi-FiBroadband Infrastructure
Group of friends watching TV

Diversity on Television in 2021:
A Culture Shift Results in Broader Programming

At its heart, television does much more than entertain—it offers a chance to expand our horizons and learn about other cultures and ways of being. For this reason, diverse representation on television is critical, raising awareness, empowering individuals of historically oppressed groups, and expanding career opportunities for underrepresented groups in entertainment. And it turns out that most of us agree. According to a new report from ViacomCBS, 79% of all viewers say more diversity is needed on screens.
Issues: Diversity on TV
Filming production team

Lights, Camera, Action:
TV Production is Helping America Recover

It’s no secret that television was a vital part of our lives during the COVID pandemic. Through the long days and nights of quarantines and lockdowns, being able to unwind in front of our favorite series, specials, and movies kept us entertained and connected to the outside world. Cable TV networks also have another critical role to play: bringing back our economy. As our communities begin to rebound, the jobs and investments provided by the industry are doing an outsized part to fuel that swing.
Issues: Diversity on TV
IT Techs working at data center

Behind the Scenes of Broadband:
Hidden Benefits, Hidden Heroes

Every day, through our computers and mobile phones, our televisions and smart devices, broadband keeps us connected, working, and entertained. During the COVID-19 crisis, it has been a lifeline, allowing schools to operate, families to keep in touch, businesses to keep selling, and the public to stay informed. It seems virtually impossible to imagine how we would have weathered the pandemic without it. But behind the obvious benefits brought to us by blazing fast internet, broadband provides other fundamental gains – ones that are no less important for being less visible. Thanks to the recently released Investing in America report, let’s take a look at three of broadband’s hidden advantages.
Issues: America's Wi-FiBroadband InfrastructureRural Broadband