
gender equality

No Going Back: How Television is Helping Viewers Challenge Gender Stereotypes

More than fifty years after the women's rights movement challenged gender stereotypes in politics, the family, and the workplace, there’s reason to celebrate the progress made. However, while significant progress has been made, the work towards a more inclusive society will likely never end. It’s critical that Individuals and institutions across the country continue pushing back against outdated stereotypes, and there’s no bigger microphone than television. Many networks have helped lead the way to eradicate gender norms. In the 2020-2021 season alone, the percentage of female speaking characters on broadcast and streaming programs reached 44.5% - an all-time high. But beyond the numbers, what specific shows are leading the way in rejecting gender stereotypes? Here’s a list of our favorites.
Issues: Diversity on TV
password sticky notes on laptop

Online Privacy on Campus: 6 Best Practices Before Heading to College

For many young adults, going to college is an exciting time of “firsts”: the first time living away from home, the first-time managing expenses and balancing a checkbook, the first time owning a credit card, and more. But in a time when many of these milestones have gone digital, a student’s online privacy is now at risk of hacking and intrusion. Fortunately, there are some simple steps one can take to stay safe. Let’s take a look at the six best practices for protecting online privacy.
Issues: Privacy
connected city landscape

10G vs 5G: What’s the Difference?

10G vs 5G – you may have heard of these terms before. But while the names of these two technologies may be similar, they have two very different meanings. In fact, some may be surprised to learn that the “G” signifies something different in each. The G in the cellular industry’s 5G means “generation”, while the G in the cable industry’s 10G means “gigabit”. But, despite their differences, both 5G and 10G have the same objective – to provide seamless connectivity that is fast, reliable, and secure.  
Issues: Broadband Infrastructure
voting booths

How to Increase Voter Turnout:
Broadband’s Surprising Impact

On November 8, Americans will have the chance to cast their votes in the 2022 midterm election. Occurring midway through a president’s term, midterm elections provide us the opportunity to vote for members of Congress as well as state and local representatives. Even though midterm elections can determine the fate of key political issues, they have historically low voter participation compared with presidential elections. The question of how to increase voter turnout has troubled policymakers for years, with suggestions ranging from making election day a federal holiday to providing paid time off to vote. But according to a recent study, there is another, less obvious way to boost voter turnout: expanding broadband access to more Americans.

Juneteenth 2022:
What to Watch to Celebrate and Commemorate

On Sunday, June 19, America will celebrate Juneteenth 2022. This will be only the second federal observance of a holiday that roots back to 1865. That year, two months after the surrender of Confederate forces at Appomattox—the event that brought the Civil War to a close—Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas. This was no ordinary visit: Grainger read out General Order Number 3 to the enslaved African Americans gathered in the area, bringing the news to them that they were free. Thus, the holiday “Juneteenth” was born.
Issues: Diversity on TV
pride month graphic

Pride Month 2022:
Key LGBTQ+ Milestones in TV History

Pride month 2022 is here! Established in June to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots, Pride month represents a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, take stock of the  struggles its faced against discrimination and harassment, and reflect on the impact that LGBTQ+ people have made on history—including on screen. While there is still progress to be made, LGBTQ+ television characters, shows, plots, and issues have made important advances over the past decades. 
Issues: Diversity on TV

HBO Returns to Baltimore in “We Own This City”

Over the past few years, the issues of police brutality and civil rights have come to a head, notably in the worldwide protests after the murder of George Floyd in 2020. For many, the issue wasn’t new, it was a reality that had been by and large ignored for decades. In the years since, many cable TV programmers have renewed their focus on addressing systemic failures that disproportionately impact Black Americans, including HBO with the new limited series, “We Own This City.”
Issues: Diversity on TV