
man playing video game on cell phone

Cable Providers Are Shaking Up the Wireless Market:
What Does This Mean for Consumers?

First, it was television. Next came internet and home phone service. And now: you can get wireless mobile service from your cable provider? That’s right. Cable providers – including Comcast, Cox, and Charter (and Mediacom soon!) – are now offering consumers the ability to subscribe to a wireless plan as part of their bundle of TV and internet service or just add a wireless plan separately. And Americans are taking them up on their offer, with millions of consumers signing up for these competitive mobile service plans. Here’s what you need to know about this expanded offering and what it could mean for you.
Issues: America's Wi-Fi
friends watching football on tv

3 Tips for Setting Up the Best Home Entertainment System

It’s fall – which means one thing - football is back! Now that summer is officially over, many of us will be racing to set up the best home entertainment system possible to watch our favorite teams. But how can we create an immersive at-home experience that makes you feel like you’re at the game? And what components should we buy? 4K or 8K? How can we ensure the best value? Relax—we’ve got you covered. Here are the three most important tips from our at-home experts.
Issues: America's Wi-Fi
smart home network

Powering Up Remote Work:
How To Extend Wi-Fi Range at Home

The unprecedented COVID pandemic turned a trend toward remote work into a flood – 58% of Americans now have the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week, and 35% can telework the full week. With this mass turn to remote employment, the question on many minds is a practical one: how to extend Wi-Fi range and ensure your entire home receives a strong internet connection?
Issues: America's Wi-Fi
CES Las Vegas

The 3 Biggest Takeaways from CES 2022

An in-person event once again this year – at least in hybrid form – the Consumer Electronics Show came to Las Vegas from January 5 to 8 with over 1900 exhibitors and some 2,400 members of the press. And after a year of virtual conferencing due to the pandemic, CES 2022 returned in a big way, with some of the biggest names in tech showing the latest in innovation, from TVs to tablets, smart glasses to smart gadgets, watches to wireless devices, and much more. With so much to see, absorb, and ponder, what did we learn from this year’s conference? Here are three of our biggest takeaways.   
Issues: America's Wi-FiBroadband Infrastructure
IT Techs working at data center

Behind the Scenes of Broadband:
Hidden Benefits, Hidden Heroes

Every day, through our computers and mobile phones, our televisions and smart devices, broadband keeps us connected, working, and entertained. During the COVID-19 crisis, it has been a lifeline, allowing schools to operate, families to keep in touch, businesses to keep selling, and the public to stay informed. It seems virtually impossible to imagine how we would have weathered the pandemic without it. But behind the obvious benefits brought to us by blazing fast internet, broadband provides other fundamental gains – ones that are no less important for being less visible. Thanks to the recently released Investing in America report, let’s take a look at three of broadband’s hidden advantages.
Issues: America's Wi-FiBroadband InfrastructureRural Broadband